
主修商业的学生可以培养在商业环境中蓬勃发展所需的基本技能. 通过动手学习,学生可以接触到各种各样的观点, 案例研究, 演讲嘉宾和教授经验. 该系强调批判性思维、领导能力和团队建设.

大学商学院的学生有机会与教师和部门密切互动, 借鉴他们的经验和专业知识,不仅在课堂上,而且在更大的萨利纳社区.

认识大华大学的商业和会计 这里的老师们!

业务 & 会计常见问题解答


DEI对堪萨斯卫斯理的愿景是促进平等、包容的多元化文化, 诚信和合作,加深理解,拥抱跨文化和全球 为学生、教职员工提供的体验.

业务 & 会计部门
In the world of business, not everybody is the same. 正因为如此,系 商业与会计承认多样性是一个巨大的优势. 的差异 我们是谁,我们如何思考,我们如何合作,我们的过去和现在的经历
是什么塑造了我们,又如何重视我们的经营,导致了什么样的环境 包容性. 因为企业的创建是为了提供有形和无形的产品 为每一个人服务,商业和会计系相信包括, 尊重并看到每个人的价值.




You will have an opportunity to interact closely with engaging, 专业的教师可以帮助你,并将他们在商业世界的宝贵经验应用到课堂上. 在学习期间, 您将获得广泛的商业运作知识,并在您的特定领域获得实际应用.

You also gain many transferable skills in a variety of career paths. Competencies include: understanding of how organizations operate, 提高你的沟通技巧(口头和书面),加强你的分析和批判性思维, 解决问题和决策. +, 解释和使用财务数据, 项目和资源管理,对经济波动和其他影响业务的外部变化有很好的理解.


A business degree from Kansas Wesleyan will open doors. 以应用为基础的课程让你接触到各种各样的商业模式, 强调适应性的重要性.

除了会计方面的商业头脑, 金融, 领导和解决问题, 大学毕业生进入职场时,对自己的优势有敏锐的认识,并意识到如何运用这些技能在工作中做出重大贡献. 大学毕业生从事会计和金融工作, 市场营销和广告, 零售, 投资银行, 保险承保, 销售, 人力资源, 教学及其他.

千亿国际登录业务 & 会计程序


The following courses are offered by the 业务 department:

BUSA 100: Introduction to 业务 (3 credit hours – Fall)

本课程为学生提供有关美国商业的广泛基础知识和信息. 本课程将集中于我们赖以发展的基本概念和原则, 组织和经营企业,以及企业与我们的经济体系的关系. 除了, 本课程将探讨商业道德, social responsibility and the impact of global operations.

BUSA 150: Personal Finance (3 credit hours – Spring)

本课程侧重于个人财务规划,目的是让每个学生意识到他们一生的财务目标,以及他们如何在当今复杂的环境中最好地实现这些目标. 完成本课程后,每个学生都应该知道并理解个人财务成功的基本原则, 包括财务计划和目标设定, 个人税收, 财富积累策略, 现金和消费信贷管理, 基本保险原则, 基本的投资原则和技巧, retirement 规划 and investing and estate transfer methods.

BUSA 300: Principles of Marketing (3 credit hours – Spring)

对营销活动的协调和控制的检查, 包括市场细分, 产品开发, 产品管理, 定价, 销售渠道和推广方式.

BUSA 301: Principles of Management (3 credit hours – Fall)

组织管理学研究组织管理中涉及的理论和概念. Topics include the study of management functions in 规划, 决策, 组织与控制.

BUSA 310: 业务 Finance (3 credit hours – Fall)

Analysis and 决策 for financial management of a business. The main areas of study include ratio analysis, 规划, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 金融风险和杠杆以及各种形式的资金来源和市场的特点. Prerequisites: ACCT 203, ACCT 204 and BUSA 219.

BUSA 317: 业务 Law I – (3 credit hours – Fall)

A study of the legal system and rights between business actors. 本课程将涵盖法院系统和替代性争议解决方案, 侵权与犯罪, and the elements of 合同和商业交易.

BUSA 318: 业务 Law II – (3 credit hours – Spring)

A study of business organizations and 就业 law. 本课程将涵盖独资企业、合伙企业和各种公司实体. 代理和雇佣法以及债权也将被涵盖, 政府法规和财产法.

BUSA 322: Human Resource Management (3 credit hours – Spring)

本课程是千亿国际登录员工动机和满意度等人事课题的基础研究, 工作分析与设计, 人力资源规划, 员工的选择, 培训和评估, administration of wages and benefits and labor relations.

BUSA 338: Operations Management (3 credit hours – Spring)

本课程使学生了解如何有效地管理和改进企业的运作流程, 包括生产, materials and product purchasing and inventory control, 物流管理(收货), 仓库, 拣取和运输物料, 货物, 和服务), order processing and follow-up customer service. 前提条件:BUSA 219和BUSA 301.

BUSA 355: Legal Aspect of 业务 (3 credit hours – Fall)

An introduction to the legal environment in which businesses operate. 考虑与商业法和私法和公法的主要框架有关的机构和程序, 包括法律体系, 合同和商业交易, 商业组织和关系, 侵权行为, 犯罪与监管法律.

BUSA 360: 业务 Communication (3 credit hours – Fall and Spring)

本课程旨在培养商科学生更有效的沟通能力, 强调通过备忘录进行沟通, 信件及书面报告. 口头交流的准备, in conjunction with presentation of oral reports, 会传授给学生吗. 学生将学习计算机应用程序,以帮助有效的内部和外部业务沟通. Prerequisites: ENGL 120, ENGL 121, and COMM 130

BUSA 405: 业务 Finance – (3 credit hours – Fall)

Analysis and 决策 for financial management of a business. The main areas of study include ratio analysis, 规划, 营运资金管理, 资本预算, 财务风险与杠杆, and the features of various forms of financial sources and markets. 先决条件:ACCT 203和ACCT 204

BUSA 445: Strategic Management (3 credit hours – Spring)

本课程整合了所需的业务, 通过学习会计和经济课程的企业目标, overall policy and strategy formation and administration. 口头和书面的几个主要案例的分析和解决方案是本课程的核心. Prerequisites: ACCT 203, ACCT 204, BUSA 300, BUSA 301 and BUSA 405

BUSA 450: 商业领导 and Ethics (3 credit hours – Fall)

本课程探讨个人在当代美国商业社会中的角色. 课程主题包括历史, 商业与政治的思想和伦理起源, 企业对社会和环境的影响.

BUSA 460: Internship in 业务 (2-8 credit hours – On demand)

本课程提供与社区组织的密集实地体验. Placement will be based on the student’s career orientation. 前提条件:部门批准并满足适用的入职标准. 更详细的描述,请参见实习“学分的替代方法”.

BUSA 485: 业务: Special Topics (3 credit hours – On demand)

在上级部门对选定的业务领域(包括广告等主题)进行集中调查, investments or entrepreneurship in small business.

BUSA 490: Independent Study (Variable credit – On demand)

独立学习包括研究, 阅读, 其他高级学术研究或创造性工作. 更详细的描述请参见学术学分的替代方法下的独立研究.

ECON 201: Introduction to Economics (3 credit hours – On demand)

An introduction to basic macro and micro economic principles. 本课程将探讨稀缺问题, 经济模型, 机会成本, 供求关系, 消费者的选择, 利润最大化, 竞争, 劳动力市场, 财政和货币政策, aggregate demand and aggregate supply and international trade.

ECON 205: Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credit hours – On demand)

经济学原理概论, problems and policies with emphasis on national income theory, 就业, 货币和财政机构, economic growth and economic relations between nations

ECON 206: Principles of Microeconomics (3 credit hours – On demand)

重点是价格机制, 产品和资源市场, market structures and their social welfare implications.

ECON 286: Special Topics (3 credit hours – On demand)

ECON 485: Special Topics (3 credit hours – On demand)


Degree Requirements and Suggested Course Sequence

B.A. 会计- 48学时

The student will complete all of the following courses:

  • ACCT 203 Financial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 204 Managerial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 301 Intermediate 会计 I – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 302 Intermediate 会计 II – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 316 Individual Income Tax – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 400成本会计- 3学时
  • ACCT 402 Advanced Financial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 415审计- 3学分
  • BUSA 219 Quantitative 业务 Applications – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 300 Principles of Marketing – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 301 Principles of Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 310商业金融- 3个学分
  • BUSA 317商业法- 3学分
  • BUSA 360 业务 Communication – 3 credit hours
  • COMP 434 Management Information Systems – 3 credit hours
  • ECON 201 Introduction to Economics – 3 credit hours
  • 数学120大学代数或更高- 3学分(满足通识教育要求)

B.A. 商务- 42学时

The student will complete all of the following courses:

  • ACCT 203 Financial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 204 Managerial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 219 Quantitative 业务 Applications – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 300 Principles of Marketing – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 301 Principles of Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 310商业金融- 3个学分
  • BUSA 317商业法- 3学分
  • BUSA 322 Human Resource Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 338 Operations Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 360 业务 Communication – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 445 Strategic Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 450 商业领导 and Ethics – 3 credit hours
  • COMP 434 Management Information Systems – 3 credit hours
  • ECON 201 Introduction to Economics – 3 credit hours
  • *数学120大学代数或更高的满足通识教育的要求

会计 Minor Requirements – 15 credit hours

The student must complete all of the following:

  • ACCT 203 Financial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 204 Managerial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 301 Intermediate 会计 I – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 302 Intermediate 会计 II – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 316 Individual Income Tax – 3 credit hours
  • 或ACCT 400成本会计- 3学分

商业副修要求- 18个学分

The student must complete all of the following:

  • ACCT 203 Financial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ACCT 204 Managerial 会计 – 3 credit hours
  • ECON 201 Introduction to Economics – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 300 Principles of Marketing – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 301 Principles of Management – 3 credit hours
  • BUSA 360 业务 Communication – 3 credit hours