

第668节.16(e)和668.联邦法规第34条, 标题四世, Student Assistance General Provisions requires that students receiving federal financial assistance be making “satisfactory academic progress” toward an educational goal (degree) in order to be eligible for Federal 标题四世 financial aid. 这些项目包括:

  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金
  • 联邦补充教育机会补助金
  • 联邦教学补助金
  • 联邦珀金斯贷款
  • 联邦工作研究
  • 联邦直接职员
  • 无补贴的联邦直接斯塔福德贷款
  • 联邦直接附加贷款

This policy also includes all financial aid programs from the State of Kansas and 千亿国际登录 programs.


为了符合并保持符合上述项目的资格, 学生的学习成绩必须符合这些标准. 有关这些标准的具体内容,请参阅当前大学的学术目录. Look at page 29 in the 2019–20 Academic Catalog and go to the section titled “令人满意的学业进展 Standards.”

Kansas Wesleyan Academic 奖学金 have separate academic eligibility requirements to receive and to renew (retain in the following year) and to potentially upgrade (increase) your scholarship level. For specifics on these scholarships, the 千亿国际登录 webpage called KWU奖学金.


千亿国际登录 has established a framework for evaluating a student’s progress to achieve an educational goal (degree) within an optimum period of time. This includes a qualitative measure (cumulative grade point average) and a quantitative measure (pace toward graduation).



1. 质量标准: 学生必须达到符合以下要求的累积平均成绩(CGPA):



28人以下(全部本科生) 1.70
28或大于或小于44 1.80
44或以上但不超过60 1.90
60岁及以上 2.00


2. 定量标准:

  1. 完成本科学位的最长时间: The maximum time frame for students to complete their undergraduate degree is 189 Credit Hours Attempted.   (120 * 150%= 180)
  2. 进度(完成百分比): Undergraduate students must successfully complete 66 percent of all credit hours attempted 计算方式为:**已修学分/*尝试修学分必须至少等于66.66% .



1. 质量标准: 研究生必须达到累积平均绩点(CGPA) 3.000或更高. 参见下面所获得和尝试的学分的定义.

2. 定量标准:

  1. 完成研究生学位的最长时间: The maximum time frame for students to complete their graduate degree is 45 Credit Hours Attempted.   (30 * 150%= 45)
  2. 进度(完成百分比): Graduate students must successfully complete 66 percent or more of all credit hours attempted over the history of their graduate college credits, 计算方式为:**已修学分/*尝试修学分必须至少等于66.66% .


The 注册商’s Office shall review each undergraduate student’s Academic Record for satisfaction of the standards at the end of each term:  Fall, 春天, 和夏天.



Students with a completed bachelor’s degree will be eligible for federal Direct Stafford and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans for a subsequent bachelor’s degree, 惟贷款总额未超过限额. These students are also eligible for 千亿国际登录 scholarship and grant programs not based upon financial need.  令人满意的学业进展 for Cumulative units attempted (PACE) should follow GPA; not described in KWU catalog.


All credit hours attempted at 千亿国际登录 and all credit hours accepted for transfer into 千亿国际登录 are included in both the Qualitative and the Quantitative Standards.  Credit Hours attempted at institutions from which the student transferred but which are not accepted for credit at KWU are not considered Credit Hours Attempted for the qualitative or quantitative calculation.



  • 工作时数:A、B、C、D、P、S、CR、I/B、I/C和I/D.
  • 尝试小时数,但不计入工作小时数:F、U、I/F、I和W.
  • A、B、C、D、F、I/B、I/C、I/D、I/F等成绩影响累积GPA.
  • 补习课程不包括在此计算中.
  • 修读的课程包括在累计尝试学分中. 然而, only the course with the highest grade is included in the cumulative grade point average.


A student who fails to meet either the Qualitative CGPA and/or the Quantitative Standards (see above) at the end of a term will be placed on Academic Probation.  If a student who is already on Academic Probation fails to achieve good standing during the following semester, 这个学生可能会被开除.  然而, 如果最近完成的学期GPA达到2分,则不会被开除.00或更高, 如果研究生最近完成的学期GPA达到3分,则不会被开除.00或更高.

Provisionally admitted students are considered to be on Academic Probation upon entry and must accomplish a CGPA in accordance with the qualitative standards for academic good standing (at least 1.5(本科生)第一学期.  不这样做将导致解雇.

Both provisionally admitted students and students on academic probation must be enrolled in INTD090: Strategies for Success and 参加学生成功中心主任的定期会议.  未通过INTD090的学生将被要求在下个学期重修这门课程.

Students dismissed after spring semester may not enroll at 千亿国际登录 for the summer term or the next fall semester. 秋季学期结束后被开除的学生, 不能在千亿国际登录春季学期注册吗. 夏季学期结束后被开除的学生, 可能无法在千亿国际登录注册秋季学期. Academically dismissed students who wish to re-apply for admission are encouraged to use the period of absence from 千亿国际登录 for activities that will give evidence of their potential to improve performance, 例如, successful completion of coursework at another institution in order to raise their cumulative grade point average to a level admissible to the University.


在被开除学籍的两周内, a student may appeal in writing to the Enrollment Committee by submitting their appeal to the 司法常务官办公室.  招生委员会由教务长担任主席.  注册主任和几位教员也在招生委员会任职.    The “Petition to Appeal Academic Dismissal” form may be obtained from the university website or the 司法常务官办公室.  A student whose appeal is approved by the Enrollment Committee may resume enrollment at 千亿国际登录 on Academic Probation, 但必须参加INTD090:成功的策略, 参加学生成功中心主任的定期会议, 并遵循为他们制定的学术计划.  The academic plan may involve the inclusion of a graduation plan and timeline for degree completion, 为了保持在大学的注册资格,学生有义务遵守哪些规定.  在试用期期间,经济援助资格将恢复.


在被开除后缺勤一学期后, students may apply for re-admission to the university by submitting the “Return after Lapse” application available in the Office of 招生.   复读申请将由招生委员会审核.  如果被重新录取,该学生将在留校察看期间重新入学. 在试用期期间,经济援助资格将恢复.  如果学生已经离开整整两个学期或更长时间, 他或她还必须完成一份新的入学申请, 交二十美元(20美元).00) 不可退还的 申请费,并符合正常录取标准. 所有重新录取的决定都会考虑学生的全部教育记录.  学生的指导老师将被告知所有重新录取的决定. 恢复财政援助资格.